- According to the University of New Mexico, softened water can reduce hot water heating costs nearly 30%.
- The Battelle Institute revealed that soap usage can be cut by up to 75%!
- Plumbing and Fixtures will be free of hard water build-up.
- Clothes won’t fade or lose color as quickly.
- Towels will stay fuller and fluffier.
- Appliances will last longer.
Spots on Glasses
Limescale and Hardness on Shower Head
Soap Scum on Bathtubs and Showers
Advantages of Soft Water for Your Budget…
- A study by the Batelle Institute revealed a water softener reduces soap usage up to 75%! Having soft water saves you money. When your water is soft, you use much less soap and fewer cleaning products.
- Your plumbing will last longer. Hard water can cause a build up of scale from mineral deposits. Over time, pipes can clog, water flow can diminish, and water pressure can be reduced. This doesn’t happen with soft water. Soft water is low in mineral content and therefore doesn’t leave deposits in the pipes.
- Your hot water heater will last longer. Scale and lime build-up created by minerals will not take place if your water is soft. This adds life to your hot water heater. Also, if you don’t have deposits in your hot water heater, it will cost less to heat the water that your family does use (studies conducted at the University of New Mexico indicate this number to be between 21.7% and 29.6%). At the end of a year, these savings can really add up.
- Diminished razor burn: Soft water causes the razor to glide more easily across the face. This, in turn, causes your razor blades to last longer.
- Water-using appliances will last longer. Whether it’s your dishwasher, coffee pot, your humidifier, or your hot tub, soft water inhibits a build-up of minerals and adds life to these products.
Advantages of Soft Water for You and Your children…
- No more soap build-up on your skin. Skin stays softer and healthier when its natural oils are allowed to remain and aren’t covered by a mineral build-up.
- Gentler soap can be used to cleanse the skin. This is especially important with women and young children. Their skin is usually more delicate and sensitive to the irritants that are found in many soaps and cleaning products. Remember, with soft water, a little soap or shampoo goes a very long way.
- Hair is softer and easier to manage when there isn’t a build-up of minerals coating it. This means it’s easier to brush and de-tangle.
- Your skin is softer when you bathe with soft water. You will leave your bath or shower feeling refreshed with your skin feeling truly clean. Also, rough, dry skin will naturally diminish.
- If you color your hair, it will keep its radiance longer if it is washed in softened water.
Advantages of Soft Water around your home…
- Your clothes last longer and remain brighter longer if they are washed in soft water. The reason is that normal water leaves mineral particles in the weave of most fabrics. This causes them to look dull and dingy.
- Your washing machine will last longer, too, because it won’t be subject to a build-up of minerals and deposits.
- Rings and stains won’t darken your bathroom fixtures.
- Glasses and dishes won’t streak.
- Save time because scrubbing floors and tile will be easier and faster because you won’t have the film and soap scum that hard water creates. Actually, all cleaning, from toilets to bathtubs to dishes and floors will take less time and effort.
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