Category: Process
Need: Softened Water
Customer: Fortune 100 Primary Metals Manufacturer
Challenge: Reduce cost for softening 35 to 700 gpm municipal water
A project engineer was asked to reduce cost of softening a process water stream. The softening that was being provided by mobile-exchange trailers, regenerated by off-site vendor. The WaterProfessionals® furnished detailed projections of softener backwash to satisfy concerns of the environmental department about discharge to the municipal sewer. The engineer chose to outsource the water treatment.
The WaterProfessionals® built, delivered, installed, owned and operated a semi-permanent, trailer-mounted system. A PLC-controlled, multi-vessel system was used to meet the rapidly fluctuating flow requirements of 35 to 700 gpm while providing softened water consistently below 3 ppm in hardness. The plant realized immediate savings without investment of capital and eliminated all involvement of plant personnel in water treatment operations.